How to add HFB to your Classic Totem Block
How to add HFB to your Classic Totem Block Hands Free Backup is a concept that has different names in different rope work disciplines, but

TR+R: Transient Rigging & Releasable Systems
Transient Rigging + Releasable Rigging: TR+Rby Adolfo Isassi Transient rigging, colloquially know as ‘ghosting’ or “metodos de fortuna” in Spanish are great tools for exploring

12 New Level 2 Guides in Mexico
Canyon Guides International is proud to announce the training and certification of 12 new Level 2 canyon guides in Mexico. In February and March of

The science behind teaching & learning: Tying Knots
During the few years that I have spent as a canyoneering instructor, I have been able to gather some observations regarding teaching how to tie knots:

MadRock Safeguard: Useful for Pro Guiding?
Oher rope related activities like caving, climbing, rope access, have been using self-locking & assisted-braking devices for a while. Devices like the Petzl line up

Canyoneering Competency Checklist
Canyon Guides International announces the release of its new Canyoneering Competencies Checklist (developed in cooperation with Rich Carlson and Canyons & Crags) – a major

Congratulations Matthew Arnold – Level 2 Certification
Matthew is working professionally guiding canyons in British Columbia Canada. Under the mentorship of Guillaume Coupier (CGI Level 3 Pro Guide), Matthew is helping to

Newest Level 2 Pro Canyon Guide: Timothy Reynolds
Timothy is a canyoneering guide based in Tucson, AZ USA. From Tim’s CGI profile: “Tim Reynolds started his fascination with the vertical world and canyoneering

Canada’s best canyoning sites
Always enjoy seeing CGI guides in the news. Check out this article featuring West Coast Canyoning Adventures in British Columbia, Canada. Navigating Canada’s best canyoning