TR+R: Transient Rigging & Releasable Systems

Transient Rigging + Releasable Rigging: TR+Rby Adolfo Isassi Transient rigging, colloquially know as ‘ghosting’ or “metodos de fortuna” in Spanish are great tools for exploring or emergency situations. In areas of the world where artificial anchors are not permitted, or badly installed, these methods fill an important gap in the practice of canyoneering/canyoning. To preserve […]
The science behind teaching & learning: Tying Knots

During the few years that I have spent as a canyoneering instructor, I have been able to gather some observations regarding teaching how to tie knots: These observations lead me to suspect that “spatial awareness” (our ability to place shapes and objects in a three dimensional space) may be the key to better understand how to teach knots and […]
MadRock Safeguard: Useful for Pro Guiding?

Oher rope related activities like caving, climbing, rope access, have been using self-locking & assisted-braking devices for a while. Devices like the Petzl line up ID, Evac, Rig, Stop, GriGr. Recently, a relatively new device, the Safeguard offered by MadRock has been attracting the attention of canyonners as a compact possibility to carry a self-locking […]
Reflections on releasable systems: Self-locking-backups?

July 3 2022 Recently the FFME (Fédération française de la montagne et de l’escalade) posted a video as an invitation to work on an effort to explore options to add security during Release & Lower operations During Pro Guide assessments, and Pro practice you will come across scenarios where you need to release a system […]
How to ascend a tensioned line

This question comes via JD Buchanan.You may need to ascend a tensioned line, like a guided rappel to fix something at the top anchor, or to assist a stuck teammate in the middle of the guided rappel. The two photos should give you a good idea on how to rig your ascenders. Key aspects of […]
Is it time to get a Double Ended Rope Bag?

“Gear Perspective” Double-Ended bag
Releasable to Tails Up Efficient Transition

Rigging releasable for team/clients on temporary rigging, and transitioning to retrievable rigging for last person/lead/guide. Use case: There are a couple of cases throughout the Colorado plateau where you need to use retrievable-rigging, in combination with releasability for people who are ready for self-rescue. Badly located anchors that have already caused deep grooves that result […]
Canyoneering Terminology Translations

I got this book (photo) from Rich Carlson some years ago.Great information for traveling around the world canyoneering, mountaineering, or just climbing.But probably more useful for training, assessing and understanding the latest developments in ropework. CGI has been growing steadily in Mexico and because of this growth, I have received some inquiries regarding translations from […]
Retrievable Rigging: Is It Useful for Professional Guiding?

Sooner or later, canyoneers will come across this particular area of rigging: Retrievable rigging Depending on the country or region of the world, it can be referred to as: – Retrievable Rigging/Retrievable Anchors – Ghosting- Transient Rigging/Transient Anchors– Métodos de Fortuna (Lucky Methods) There is a surprisingly long list of methods under this category: All […]