Dreaming about becoming a guide?

We will provide you with an efficient path toward professional training and certification.

There is no shortage of certification schemes for canyon guides offered by various organizations around the world. Some are quite good, but most expect an aspiring guide to complete a series of courses only with that organization.

There is nothing wrong with that, except that the best guides typically acquire their knowledge and skills from a variety of sources, both formal and informal.


For Pro Canyon Guides & Leaders

Our assessment program provides you with an opportunity to consolidate all of your informal learning, formal training, experience and existing credentials to receive an internationally-recognized certification. Certification indicates to prospective clients and students that your technical knowledge and competence have been assessed to the standard of a professional organization.

For Clients Seeking a Guide or Instructor

CGI certified professionals have undergone rigorous assessment to insure their knowledge and skills meet and exceed international standards. For you as a consumer, CGI certification provides a decisive tool for choosing the right person for your needs and objectives.