CGI Instructor Program

Teaching canyoneering skills to others involves more than technical competence. Effective instructors must be good communicators who use an array of teaching strategies to accommodate students’ learning styles.

Canyon Guides International offers instructor development training and assessment as an add-on for CGI certified guides.

Share Your Passion

CGI certified professional guides and instructors come from many different backgrounds, but one thing unites them all – their passion for our sport and their desire to provide their clients and students with the best possible canyoneering experiences and training.

Becoming a CGI certified Instructor/Evaluator requires rigorous training and examination that meets and exceeds international standards. It is hard work, but well worth it for the select few who make the grade

Your Benefits

* All of the benefits of being a Professional Member.
* Standardized curriculums for training recreational canyoneers and aspiring professional guides.
* Training materials, including online resources.
* Affilliation with a respected professional organization with an international presence.
* CGI will use its resources to help you market your courses.

Our Expectations

We expect all instructors to teach the CGI curriculum at each level. Courses that do not follow the CGI curriculum cannot be represented as CGI courses.

The training curriculum for recreational canyoneering includes three levels:

I. Technical Canyoneering
II. Advanced Canyoneering
III. Canyon Leader

The training curriculum for professional canyon guides includes four levels.

Steps to Becoming an Instructor

1- Obtain CGI guide certification, Level 2 or higher to be eligible to participate in Instructor Development Training.
2- Complete CGI Instructor Development Training.
3- Obtain CGI guide certification, Level 3 or higher to be eligible for Instructor/Evaluator certification.
4- Serve as the lead instructor with a CGI Certified Instructor/Evaluator observing and evaluating the course.

Guide-Instructor Progressions

* Level 1 Guides can be trained and certified by any CGI Certified Guide Level 2 or higher.
* Level 2 Guides can be trained and certified by any CGI Certified Guide, Level 3 or higher.
* Level 3 Guides can only be trained and certified by CGI Certified Instructors/Evaluators who are Level 3 or higher.
* Level 4 Guides can only be certified by CGI Certified Instructors/Evaluators who are Level 4.