TR+R: Transient Rigging & Releasable Systems

Transient Rigging + Releasable Rigging: TR+Rby Adolfo Isassi Transient rigging, colloquially know as ‘ghosting’ or “metodos de fortuna” in Spanish are great tools for exploring or emergency situations. In areas of the world where artificial anchors are not permitted, or badly installed, these methods fill an important gap in the practice of canyoneering/canyoning. To preserve […]
12 New Level 2 Guides in Mexico

Canyon Guides International is proud to announce the training and certification of 12 new Level 2 canyon guides in Mexico. In February and March of this year CGI Instructors Rich Carlson and Adolfo Isassi were invited to train and assess a group of canyoneers from a Monterrey canyoning club called Legión Cañonera del Norte. It […]
Canyoneering Competency Checklist

Canyon Guides International announces the release of its new Canyoneering Competencies Checklist (developed in cooperation with Rich Carlson and Canyons & Crags) – a major step forward from current skills lists. This multi-purpose document incorporates: This is not only a document that lists canyoning skills and competencies; it also offers an instructional framework and philosophy […]
Newest Level 3 Pro Canyon Guide: Tyler Miller

Tyler is a canyoneering guide based in Springdale, Utah USA. From Tyler’s CGI profile: “Passionate and professional guide serving the greater Zion area. Currently living and working in Springdale, Utah for Red Desert Adventures and Zion Guru.14+ years of technical climbing experience and 7 years of canyoneering experience.Zion Search and Rescue Team Member.” Tyler did […]
Facebook Group

We have added a Facebook groups to provide another tool for our members to connect and share information and ideas. Check it out: Pro Canyon Guides Group on Facebook